I can’t believe that I’m already 7 months pregnant! I share all about how my first trimester went here including how I found out I’m pregnant, what I ate, my food aversions, how I felt, and more! I’m due on January 27th so I have less than 3 months to go.
It’s a GIRL:
We recently found out that we’re having a girl! We’re so excited! We had a gender reveal party with our families and close friends, and it was so fun to celebrate together 🙂 I share all about our gender reveal party here including decorations, supplies, food, and drinks.
We had such a relaxing babymoon in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico! It was so nice to lounge at the pool and beach and have some downtime together 🙂 We ate well (as always!), got some sun, and enjoyed some quiet time before the baby arrives!
What I’ve Been Eating:
I’ve been feeling pretty good during this second trimester. I have energy and a good appetite. I don’t have cravings per se but my body tells me exactly what I want to eat. I have to be in the mood for whatever food I’m reaching for. I’m back to eating chocolate after not wanting it at all during my first trimester. I’m VERY into fries with seasoning & good dipping sauces. Five Guys & Chick-fil-A have been my go-to stops on our van trips, and then I usually get fries if we’re at a restaurant with a dedicated GF fryer. I’ve also been eating more cheese than usual, and I’ve been into cashews, double stuff Oreos, and grilled salmon. I’m still into fruit, salads with veggies & chicken & hard-boiled eggs, warm bread with cream cheese, pizza, and yogurt as well.
We Are Growing!
The baby is definitely growing! As of November 2nd, at nearly 28 weeks, she’s 2 lb, 5 oz. I’ve gained nearly 15 pounds, and you can tell that I’m pregnant! I always wondered what it be like to be pregnant and how I would feel having a belly since I’ve never had one. The weight has come on gradually, and my belly has slowly grown so I feel like I’ve been able to get used to it as it comes.
I still haven’t gotten any maternity clothes. I thought I would have needed some at this point but I’m still able to fit into most of my workout clothes and some of my looser dresses. I’ll probably buy maternity leggings as I get bigger.
At seven months pregnant, I haven’t felt too uncomfortable. I know that will come though! At times, I feel pressure in my stomach. My feet get cramps at night, and my back can feel sore but that happened before I was pregnant as well. One of the adjustments I’ve had to make is trying to sleep on my left side rather than on my back since that’s the best position for the baby.
Moving and Kicking:
It’s been so surreal to feel her move and kick in my stomach! Brendan and I love feeling my stomach and talking to our baby girl. At times, my stomach even contorts to one side if she’s moving more on that side. She’s definitely active like her parents! It’s nuts to feel how hard my stomach is. It may be harder than pre-pregnancy when I had abs ha!
Working Out:
At this point, I prefer to work out on the elliptical and Stairmaster instead of running. When we did vanlife in Utah and Wyoming and Colorado, we were running in very high altitude which made it even more challenging. The high altitude makes it harder to breath so I’ve been running slower than usual. 8,000 feet elevation is no joke especially when pregnant! When I run, I tell the baby how much longer we have to go or how long we’ve gone lol. I feel like I have a running buddy! When I run, I have to go to the bathroom every mile or two so that makes it tough. I’m still taking online barre classes with some modifications, and I go on walks and hikes with Brendan and Odie.
Feeling Lightheaded:
I do get lightheaded and feel faint at times. Before our gender reveal party, I actually fainted at the hair salon. While the stylist was cutting my hair, I could feel it coming on and desperately needed some air. I exited the salon and went to a bench outside where I could lie down. After a couple minutes, I thought I was okay so I came back in. The stylist gave me some sugar water, and she cut my hair for a few more minutes until I really needed to exit again. Thankfully, this time the stylist followed me. I saw white or light and then the next thing I remember is being on the ground. It turns out I had fainted but the stylist had me so I didn’t hurt myself. I’m so glad I was okay – it was scary. This is the first time I fainted. Previously, I’ve been in the van when I feel lightheaded so I just go lie down on the bed and wait for it to pass. It takes about 10 to 20 minutes until I’m feeling better. I drink a lot of water, eat fruit or anything I can get my hands on, and wait for it to pass.
Things to Do:
I finally started a baby registry on Amazon! It was overwhelming and hard to start since there are SO many brands and options out there. It’s not 100% complete, and I’m sure I’m missing stuff that I need so if you have any recommendations, let me know!
In the third trimester, we will interview pediatricians, take a hospital tour (I’ll be delivering at Greenwich Hospital), and take birthing classes.
On to the third trimester! Let’s go, baby girl!!!!
And you can read more about my pregnancy and birth here!